Monday, April 27

Boom, there she was

Ah! So here I am at Cleo's house just outside of Paris, chilling for the moment as I had to get up at eight or something this morning because Cleo had to give me directions and junk before she went to school.

Plans for today are to meet a friend later on in the evening at Chatelet station, but in the mean time I'm gonna head over the Oberkampf, which is where I stayed last summer, check out the Pompideu(?) for a bit, relax a little, check out some vintage shop I heard was near by and then if I've got time before meeting the aformentioned friend check out this awesome sounding exhibition at the Fondation Cartier.

Should be pretty fucking cash.

Yesterday I didn't do much at all, got a little tour around Cleo's town, Créteil. Hung out near the Orsay with a friend of her's and checked out this pretty cool second hand shop which had loads of records, video tapes and old books. Found a letter in one of them actually, but once translated from french it was one of the dullest corresponances I'd read in a while.

Find of the day was a really fucking old (1926!) copy of The Tempest. Only 80 cents.

Gotta go easy on the money actually.


Roxanne G. said...

Damn, you in Paris and nobody can come to see you...
Enjoy Paris anyway. :)


ahhhhhh bring back old parisian books!
so gud
hope you're having a wicked time cha
extremely jealous, it has been raining and cold in london since you left.
pathetic fallacy i say x

Mr Lee said...

So kind!Thank you for your encouragement.Look forward to further communicating with you.Good luck!